We are in the middle of a heatwave being experienced all over Europe and other parts of the world. It seems to be dragging on and on… My heart goes out to all the people and wildlife affected by the wildfires raging across the Greek islands and other parts of the world. Sadly this is going to be normal from now on, as the direct consequences of mankind’s total abuse of our planet and world governments’ refusal to do anything or make the necessary changes – despite knowing about climate change for many many years. Continue reading
An Old & Dear Family Friend Comes to Crete for a Visit
It’s no surprise that I had a really lovely time in the UK. The first week of my two week visit I stayed with Emma, Ash, Ralph and Neve in Thirsk, Yorkshire. The weather was OK this time – better than last year with more sunshine and higher temperatures. The weather I left behind in Crete was still very unsettled and unusual for the time of year. So I was most pleased and surprised that for the duration of my two week visit, the sun shone for most days and we didn’t get any rain! Continue reading
My Blog is Now 10 Years Old.. But I’m Too Busy Living my Life to Write About it!
It’s been a good long while since I last entered a post and the best excuse I can give is that I’ve been too busy living my life to find the time to write about it! Apart from when I first set up this blog in 2013 and wrote many shorter but more frequent posts, my life here on Crete is so chocker block full that it sometimes feels like a chore that needs to be fitted in somehow, like cooking and cleaning. I can’t believe I’ve been writing about my wonderful life on Crete for 10 years! The thing is that once I start recalling the events of the past weeks, it’s like I am appreciating my life all over again. Believe me when I say that I am always grateful… Continue reading
Carnival is Back and Busier than Ever!
So another month has flown by and time is moving too fast for me to fit everything in that I want to do! Something is going to have to give… Continue reading
Putting All the Hours into Creating my Art
We were so lucky with the weather in January. It was sunny and mild for the whole month but in the first week of February it turned cold and stormy with lots of heavy rain – even hailstones! And suddenly the mountains were full of snow! This lasted for about two weeks and now, for the past week the warm sunny weather has returned. Continue reading
A Wonderful Family Christmas in Wales
I spent my first night in the UK at my dear friends’ Gill and Rick’s home in Bramhall. Gill picked me up from the airport at around 6pm and Rick cooked up a wonderful steak dinner. They spoilt me rotten as they always do, and it was the best and only time I had to catch up properly with them during this year’s Christmas in the UK. We literally talked for hours…. Great food, great wine and great company.. so what more could I ask for to kick off my 2022 Christmas stay in the UK? Continue reading
How Easy it is to be Happy When You Live on Crete
The weather here on Crete for the whole of November has been absolutely fabulous! We’ve had day after day of warm sunny weather, perfect for beachcombing and walking. I’ve also spent countless hours on my art.. as I start to build up my Seashell Mosaic Collage Paintings for next summer. I sold so well this year that I have a full and busy winter ahead. Such is my life here that I pack it to the rafters with things I love to do both in my work and leisure time. Continue reading
Enjoying Wonderful Warm Sunny Weather This October
These past few weeks we have been enjoying some wonderful weather, especially for October and it is such a contrast to this time last year. We had a really bad rainstorm in mid October which caused severe flooding on parts of Crete, but luckily not near me! For the rest of the time it’s been lovely and warm with sunshine all day long! Continue reading
Making More Memories with Family & Friends This Summer
As predicted, August has been mega busy sales-wise and I sold 51 Seashell Mosaic Paintings from my beach stall and 3 more from the Gavalochori Gift Shop. This is over double the sales I had for this period last year. Demand has been so high for certain designs that I have not had the time to make more. Continue reading
Having Lots of Fun Playing with the Grandchildren!
Emma, Ralph and Neve returned to the UK almost 2 weeks ago and I have been so busy with my art business that this is the first opportunity I have had to write a post about their stay with me. We had a rather worrying start to the holiday with Neve being poorly and Emma unsure whether she was well enough to travel. Continue reading