Not being able to do all the things I want and usually do these last few weeks, has really made me think about my health – as it has been and how it might be in the future. I can see how eating a healthy and well balanced diet really does help but I still have to make some changes and I really want to put some weight back on. So I have formulated a plan for the summer months and I intend to stick to it!
On Monday I did a big food shop in Chania, picked up my new display boards from Papyrus in Vamos and collected the results of my first blood test in Kalives. I thought I would have to wait until I saw the specialist again in June, for him to tell me these results. But surprisingly, the doctor removed the paperwork from the envelope and proceeded to inform me that the results were very good, very low and that I didn’t have Rheumatoid Arthritis! How wonderful is that?! I was thrilled to bits! This great news, together with the vast improvement in my joints, has really made me feel as though I am back to my normal self again. I can tackle anything without any pain and discomfort. I am back to how I was, thank God.
This new and welcome surge of energy has spurned me on and all the items I had on my ‘To Do’ list have been crossed off! On Tuesday I spent all day jet-washing the outside areas round my apartment and cleaning the furniture in the courtyard and on the balcony. Yesterday I blitzed the apartment which has been dreadfully neglected for the last few weeks and took all day to clean! I had just finished and was sitting in the sunshine on my balcony sofa (where else?!) to have a well-earned rest and a nice cup of tea when my Skype started ringing. It was my sister Karen, to tell me our brother had had an accident and was having immediate surgery! Poor Mark, he is devastated! Due to the nature of his work, he is always taking big risks, because Mark is a Stunt Man. He has broken both the fibula and tibia bones in his leg and after the operation, pins will be inserted into his leg and a metal framework will surround his whole calf– ugh! He will be able to walk but I imagine it will be very cumbersome. I know he will be both gutted and worried about all the work he has got lined up and which he won’t now be able to do – for how long, we don’t know. He will be in my thoughts and prayers lots over the coming weeks. I am praying (rather selfishly!) that Mark will be OK for his very first visit to my home here on Crete! He is the only one in the whole of my large family who has not been able to – mostly because of his work commitments but also because of the shared custody he has of his two lovely children, Honey and Ted. They are all booked to arrive for ten days on July 29th and I am so excited about it!
After two glorious sunny days it has been raining heavily today. No matter, I spent a pleasurable few hours working on my smaller seashell mosaics of seahorses, but the sun came out late afternoon so I am back in my favourite spot on the balcony sofa writing up this post now because I probably won’t have much time to write over the next couple of weeks. With everything that’s been going on I had forgotten that Easter Weekend starts tomorrow! It starts with me picking Nick up from the airport at around lunchtime and I am so looking forward to celebrating all the traditional Easter festivities with him and all our friends – after all it is the most important celebration in the Greek calendar year.