What a cracking day yesterday’s Almyrida Xmas Fayre was! This is a charity event in aid of the poor and needy children in the area and always raises a substantial amount of money. It was a whole day filled with meeting people I’d not seen for a while as well as all the people I do see regularly and meeting a few new people too! The weather was warm because of a strong southerly wind but it brought a little rain with it at times. For the most part though, it was sunny and fine and there were probably in the region of about 2,000 visitors who had travelled from all over the region including Chania, to enjoy the festivities.
The food available was just amazing in its variety and I treated myself to some delicious home-made fruit cake and scones for just a few Euros – great value! Over the course of the day several different live bands provided a party atmosphere and there were auctions and raffles going on too.
David and I both did well and were pleased as punch with the chance to display our art again and benefit from such wide exposure. It’s not just about what you sell on the day but what leads can come from it. My leaflets disappeared like hot cakes and I even met an English lady called Angela who had come from Chania and had discovered this blog when looking up artists in the Chania region. This is what I love about exhibitions and events like these – you just never know who you’re going to meet and it was weird to meet a stranger who knew so much about me! Angela said she’d enjoyed reading this blog and congratulated me, which was really nice. We resolved to keep in touch especially as she hopes to move back to Crete in the not too distant future.
I made another Seashell Mosaic of the Bougainvillea and Pot last month and it sold again just as all the ones I made in the summer did. It looks like I have another best seller! A few people who visited my display but didn’t buy may well be paying me a home-studio visit, so that’s all good news too.
David also gained a few new students for his Art Classes and several more people interested in the Nature & History Walks he organises. But most importantly, he is a dear friend and Artist I exhibit with in Chania every year. We have never been in competition with each other and work very well as a team.
Unfortunately, when packing up the car at the end of the day, a strong gust of wind blew the edge of the car boot down onto my waiting forehead! Ow, did that hurt!! It had also started to rain and it was blowing a gale by then so I swiftly carried on, wanting to get everything all packed in asap. By the time I returned to the hotel to pick up more boxes, my head was bleeding profusely! Anyway I received all kinds of assistance by way of extra tissues and a napkin soaked in alcohol from one of the hotel barmen. David insisted I get us both a glass of wine and sit down to relax properly as we have mostly been on our feet all day. Despite the mishap with the car boot, it was still a wonderful day from beginning to end.