It is so hot hot hot! Right now we are in the middle of a heat wave. A few days ago temperatures shot up into the mid 30’s and that’s in the shade. The noticeable absence of any kind of breeze has made it feel even hotter. According to Greek records, these are the highest May temperatures they have had for 50 years! Personally I don’t tolerate these weather conditions well, as they drain all my energy and make me feel lethargic. This is also one of those rare times when there is so much dust in the air that the sky seems almost white and the sunset from my balcony looks like an old sepia photograph – stripped of all colour. Temperatures are not usually this high in May and because there are no tourists here, it just seems weird.
Of course life has changed drastically for everyone in the world and I am no exception. I can’t quite believe how different my life actually is right now. As it is for most people, the main and biggest change concerns my work. As a professional artist I have spent the last 11 years totally dedicated to my Art business. Suddenly and because of Covid-19 I don’t know if I will have any kind of beach selling season this summer. Normally I would already be down by the beach with my stall and display. This realization hit me even before lockdown and has had quite an effect on my motivation to create more Seashell Mosaic Collages. Indeed I could not even find inspiration to use this ‘extra time’ to bury myself in a creative splurge again, and produce some new designs.

Custom Artwork – Mother & Daughter on the beach Painting with Seashell Mosaic & Sand – 30 x 40cms. Recently commissioned from my Etsy shop.
However, during the lockdown I was thrilled to receive a custom sale from my Etsy shop. It was a personalization of an existing design and I am pleased to say the client received her Artwork safely – even though it took just over 2 weeks instead of one, to reach her.
Overall, lockdown has been no real hardship for me personally. I am extremely fortunate to be living in Greece, which appears to be one of the few safest places to be right now. Indeed this fact is what the Greek government are proud to use in persuading tourists back from July to September. But everything is still so uncertain and how can it be otherwise?
Thanks to WhatsApp and Skype – I’ve had plenty of regular video contact with all of my family and friends, but especially my Daughters and my Grandchildren. It has been so wonderful to watch Ralph, Neve and Arthur playing in their respective gardens, enjoying the nice fine weather that the UK has been experiencing in the last few weeks. I do miss them all and am only sad that it seems unlikely that they will be coming to see me this summer – as was originally planned. So I feel as though I have nothing to look forward to this summer.
I am proud to say that both my daughters work for the NHS. After Emma had her second child, she quit her career in the world of advertising and eventually wants to train as a midwife. She has been a part time care assistant for about two years, but Emma has been working on the frontline as an assistant in the ICU for many weeks now. Although she never signed up for this – she is also doing night shifts. The conditions in these rooms are awful because the ventilators drive up the temperatures and wearing all the PPE is claustrophobic and sweaty. I do worry about her but she reassures me that at least the hospital she is working in has plenty of PPE, thank God. Zoe will be returning to work after her maternity leave in just under 3 weeks time. She also works for the NHS as an Occupational Therapist based at an intermediate care home. I pray they both stay safe and well during this dreadful pandemic.
Meanwhile.. I feel as though I am living a different life too. During the 6 weeks of lockdown here on Crete – instead of spending countless long hours working on my mosaics, which is the norm for me – I’ve been out exercising with Charlie. So I have been training for 3 months now and am really pleased with the results. I can do stuff like pushups and planks that I couldn’t come close to before! I feel so much fitter and stronger.
Even my diet is different in so far as I have added a lot more protein and healthy snacks in between meals. The bike rides have felt easier, although recently they began to get more tiring as the temperatures started to climb. During this heat wave it would have been madness to go out on the bikes, so Charlie had a much better alternative. In his garage he has 2 exercise bikes and it is much cooler in there, especially with the addition of a large fan! Of course it’s not the same as riding amongst the beautiful countryside, but at least I’ll remain fit and strong for when the temperatures drop and we can get on a real bicycle again! We still do our workouts on the terrace by the swimming pool and how wonderful and refreshing it is to just jump in there after an hour and a half of strenuous exercise!
We came out of lockdown on 4th May and so Charlie and I celebrated by driving to Georgioupoli, as we were allowed to travel within the prefecture of Chania. It was a cloudy day but really pleasant for strolling on the very long sandy beach there. Of course we knew all the restaurants and tavernas were still shut up and so we packed a picnic and ate it on the beach, which was devoid of any sign of life. In fact there was actually nobody else there but us! It seemed really strange. We also visited the miniature buildings of famous Greek ancient monuments that I love.
Then last week Charlie and I visited Stavros for the day, which is also situated within the prefecture of Chania. Naturally… I wanted to go beachcombing again because I have missed it so much this winter. It was a gorgeous warm sunny day and we did lots of walking and exploring the coastline. We enjoyed our picnic lunch and then I discovered a really good area of beach, full of such a variety of seashells, that I was totally absorbed for the following 2 hours! On the way back we managed to get a takeaway latte and a crepe, but we sat on stools outside the taverna and so it felt quite normal again.
The Greek government recently anounced that all tavernas and restaurants can re-open on 25th May. It will be really nice to meet up with friends socially again, although I have met Lisa a couple of times on Kalyves beach, it’s not the same as having an ice cold beer at a taverna on the beach!