Spending Time with Visiting Friends and Making Some New Ones!

I am sitting comfortably on my balcony writing up this post and reflecting on these past weeks.  It’s the middle of October and it’s a gloriously sunny and warm day.   October appears to be making up for the disappointing weather we had in September, as it has been like this for most of the time so far.  During September I had 2 ‘no sales’ days because of the weather.  On one particular day I went down to set up my stall only to find the sea had flooded the centre of Almyrida!  Consequently and for various other reasons, September sales were as disappointing as the weather.

Popular design in September. Beach girl Seashell Mosaic COllage Painting 15 x 35cms

Popular design sold in September.

However, I’ve sold 18 of my Seashell Mosaic Collage Paintings so far this month and I hope to be selling in Almyrida for both days this week, before the season finishes.  There are certainly still plenty of tourists around.  Last week, as usual I have sold to some lovely people here on their holidays.  Having had a wonderful time, they are sad that their holidays are coming to an end and I always genuinely feel sorry for them because I get to stay here in this beautiful place all of the time.  Crete is and has been my cherished home for nigh on 15 years.  I know every day how lucky I am.

An evening with Penny and friends in Nikita's in Almyrida

An evening with Penny and friends in Nikita’s in Almyrida

Last week I was talking to an Israeli family and was totally shocked to learn of the war that has just started in Israel!  Their flight had been cancelled and they had no idea when they would be returning or what they would return to.  My heart goes out for them and all the innocent civilians once again caught up in the conflicts of senseless barbarians, who appear to have lost all sense of their humanity.  Remind me what year we are currently living in… 2023?  With the Ukrainian war still raging…what is the world coming to?

At Almy on the gorgeous beach in Kalyves where we've had many Sunday lunches.

At Almy on the gorgeous beach in Kalyves where we’ve had many Sunday lunches throughout September and October

Life is so very far removed from all this, here on Crete where everyone is in holiday mode.  I have so enjoyed meeting all the lovely visitors who came to Almyrida this summer. Also as is usual, I have sold my art to frequently returning customers, many of whom I have come to know and cherish as good friends. Recently I have been making time for my friend Penny who has returned to Amyrida and we enjoyed a night out earlier this month at Nikita’s in Almyrida, for the annual Libra Party that Neisha organizes.  I was back in Nikita’s last week with my Norwegian friend Solveig, who has returned for 10 days.  The Vibes were playing to a packed venue and it’s no surprise that we found ourselves on the dance floor for most of the evening!

"Rocklovers" night at the old Olive Mill in Kalyves

“Rocklovers” night at the old Olive Mill in Kalyves

Socially, my diary has been quite full with lunches and evenings dining out with old and new friends alike.  So I’ve met some new people during the last 6 weeks.  These are people who are already living in the area and I hope to be seeing more of them over the coming winter months.  There is one who is particularly worth mentioning and whom I will absolutely be seeing lots of in the future, I hope!  He is called David and we get along so well!  We share many personality traits and have much in common. We have been to lots of social events together with friends mutual and new.  He makes me laugh and we frequently end up in fits of giggles!  I’m thinking ‘watch this space’ because I really hope this new relationship lasts 🙂

At the Vibes gig in Nikita's with Solveig

At the Vibes gig in Nikita’s with Solveig

So I am looking forward to winter, which holds its own charm here on the island of Crete.  There are always major storms to watch but there are usually warm sunny days interspersed. The Greeks have been saying that we are in for a long hard winter this year and I believe them.  They have an uncanny way of predicting the weather, I’ve noticed over the years.  I’m looking forward to going beachcombing again and exploring the beautiful empty beaches along Crete’s extensive coastline.  Oh and I need to get back into my power walking now that it’s not so hot.  I say it often enough in this blog… but I’m saying it again… I absolutely love my life here on Crete!

View from my balcony today

View from my balcony today

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