For the last few weeks the weather has been ‘iffy’ and unsettled, but at least we’ve not had further storms or even much rain. It’s just been cloudier and cooler than is normal this time of year. Of course…. it’s going to be gorgeous again soon!
Because the weather has been so unpredictable, finding the right day to go to Elafonisi was difficult. We’d already had a day where we drove as far as Kissamos before we realised it would be a bad day for Elafonisi. It is the most unspoilt, wild and beautiful area but its location right on the tip of Southwest Crete, leaves it very exposed to the weather – especially the wind! However, no winter beachcombing season would be complete without a trip to this awesome coastline. I have written about this wonderful place several times over the years and I love to visit Elafonisi whenever I can.
I am pleased to say that Lisa has returned to Crete and so it was that the three of us – Lisa, Debbie and I, finally got our day on Elafonisi. The weather was fab for the two hour drive down through mountains with gorges far below, which meant stunning scenery all the way! I also love all the little mountain villages we pass through on the way. It was warm and sunny when we arrived and there was only a smattering of tourists as far as we could see.
But we were not surprised to find it was very windy out on the sandbars and going across to the island. Yet there is so much to explore on Elafonisi that one day is just not enough! There is even a shipwreck somewhere near the island, though we ran out of time to investigate it. We need to come back in November when all the tourists have left and maybe go snorkelling too.
We had the most awesome and wonderful day collecting seashells, exploring all the different beaches, enjoying our picnic in the sunshine and all three of us feeling so lucky and blessed to be experiencing such a beautiful place here on Crete, knowing that we can visit this special natural landscape whenever we want to! Lisa, Debbie and I had about 7 hours of beachcombing bliss that day and we all had such good fun! We can’t wait to return to Elafonisi again later in the year.
I really really love this island! Since I’ve been back home on Crete… everything has gradually started to get better and things are looking up for me again – in all directions! It’s been good for me to get out and about with my friends Lisa and Debbie and we’ve got some great times planned for this summer! We are going to party and enjoy ourselves and I am excited and grateful for so many things – I cannot begin to list them all! I have had some wonderful news which I hope to write about in a future post. I am well organized for and looking forward to my beach selling season and I am so excited about family and friends visiting soon. Now everything is going right in my world again!
In just a few days time, Zoe, Emma, Ralph and Neve are coming to stay with me for a week and so I am very excited and happy about that! I will be spending these next few days getting everything ready for their visit. I’ve needed to find a travel cot, car seat for baby Neve, booster seat for Ralph and a highchair. But I am lucky enough to be able to borrow all these from good friends.
Before my family arrive on Tuesday, it is Greek Orthodox Easter here this weekend. It’s usually a week later than the Western Easter, although approximately every four years it falls on the same date. Lisa, Debbie and I have made some plans and we aim to have lots of fun and celebrate it as best we can!